Saturday, December 28, 2013

Rachel Weeping

Isn't it time we stopped killing the symptoms of greater evil in the world? Isn't 57 Million lost souls enough in the US? Or, 1.3 Billion worldwide?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Chuck Your Commandments!

In a Socialist State, espousing "any" faith can be detrimental. Why not in America? We have "tolerated" so much from alternate view points that we have lost touch with our own Faith. In school, we learned of the Pilgrims journey to America to escape religious persecution. And yet, we have allowed the very same to become prevalent once again! Tolerance is a two way street.

So, why not America? We have sacrificed several Commandments placing God underneath our materialism including idolatry of celebrities or sports figures. We covet our neighbor's wife and goods without hesitation - or remorse. Cursing in God's name is no big deal. As are lying, stealing, adultery, and even killing our brothers and sisters.

This is not the America I grew up with.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Baby Trapped in a Woman's Body

Now I see how it could be that a man can be trapped in a woman's body...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

That is your body...

Do with your body what you will. But, recognize the separate entity, the second person.