Sunday, April 26, 2015

Coming Soon!

Of course, the Wannababies position remains that "coming soon" begins at conception.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Know No'thing

Sgt Wasserman Schultz
Wasserman Schultz supports letting women and their doctors make the decision to abort without government interference. Choices are made every minute of the day without government interference. Choices are made to lie, to steal, to rape, and to murder: all are choices. Should the government not interfere with those choices as well? Choice and virtue are both part of the equation.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

In Utero Hot Flash

In Utero Hot Flash
Things are warming up for the upcoming summer with a bit of help recalling personal experience from the mother of my children, hot flashes when pregnant.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

We have no right to put anyone to death... John 18:31

No right. But, we strike more that 3,500 unborn from existence every day in the United States. Every day. Our own children. Sadly, this is how we answer the call from Christ. 

 Abortion Counter

Abortion Counter (numbers increase drastically by the time you select the link to review - nearly 1,000,000 in only one week!):             
Worldwide: 1,356,557,360 since 1980

(yes, that is over one "billion")

US: 1,078,988                            
Today US: 1,154                    
Today World wide: 42,380
Abortion Counter (numbers increase drastically by the time you select the link to review - nearly 1,000,000 in only one week!):