Sunday, November 16, 2014

Humane vs Human

Some claim that the fetus is not "human" during the first trimester. If not a human "fetus", what is it? If it is a "fish", does it suddenly transform into a human at the onset of the second trimester?
How awkward it is for those who want to keep abortion "safe and legal" to confront the problem of when human life begins. For if the fetus is human life not a diseased appendix nor a tumor then abortion kills that human life and we concede the Hitlerian notion that some lives are not worthy to be lived. How much better for them to obscure and obfuscate to pretend that the very question is beyond (or beneath?) answer. The humanity of the unborn is the great 13th floor of modern society. Everyone knows it's there, but, for convenience' sake, we pretend it isn't.
Congressman Henry J. Hyde, in a May 27, 1981 letter to the Washington Post. Printed in Appendix A to the Summer 1981 Human Life Review, pages 80 to 83.

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